
What To Do If You Need God’s Blessed Favor – Psalm 15

Who may dwell on Your Holy Mountain?
Whoever walks without blame,
    doing what is right

What To Do If You Need God’s Blessed Favor – Psalm 15

Lord, who may abide in Your tent?
    Who may dwell on Your Holy Mountain?

Whoever walks without blame,
    doing what is right,
    speaking truth from the heart;
Who does not slander with his tongue,
    does no harm to a friend,
    never defames a neighbor;
Who disdains the wicked,
    but honors those who fear the Lord;
    Who keeps an oath despite the cost,
     lends no money at interest,
    accepts no bribe against the innocent.

Whoever acts like this
    shall never be shaken.

What To Do If You Need God’s Blessed Favor – Psalm 15

Psalm 15 reports of an Israelite wishing to be admitted inside the Temple Court, asking a Temple official what conduct is appropriate to enter inside God’s precinct, or Holy Mountain. Working through the psalmist, the Word of God lists eleven base criteria, all of which point to the Commandments in an either general or more specific way. The Church uses this list as a general roadmap in regards to participation with Holy Communion — the source and summit of the Christian faith.

This psalm is essentially a call to examine our conscience before receiving Holy Communion (the Eucharist). If we are guilty of serious or mortal sin, we must first receive the Sacrament of Penance (Confession) before receiving it. Furthermore, it is best to seek forgiveness of lesser or venial sins as well. While they do not bar us from the Eucharistic table per se, it is a way to overcome anger, pride and resentment which create small barriers to receiving the fullness of grace offered in the Holy Eucharist (St. John Paul II, General Audience, Feb. 4, 2004).

Psalm for Slow Meditation

Lord, who may abide in Your tent?
    Who may dwell on Your Holy Mountain?

Whoever walks without blame,
    doing what is right,
    speaking truth from the heart;
Who does not slander with his tongue,
    does no harm to a friend,
    never defames a neighbor;
Who disdains the wicked,
    but honors those who fear the Lord;
    Who keeps an oath despite the cost,
     lends no money at interest,
    accepts no bribe against the innocent.

Whoever acts like this
    shall never be shaken.

Make Note

*On the eleven criteria mentioned above, pay special attention to the emphasis on virtues relating to one’s neighbor;

*Lending money in the Old Testament was often seen as assistance to the poor in their distress, not as a personal money-making investment. Making money off of the poor by charging interest was and is, biblically speaking, forbidden (Ex 22:24; Lv 25:36; Dt 23:20).

For Additional Psalms and Meditations, CLICK HERE

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Who cannot take communion?

According to the Church, anyone who is conscious of having committed a mortal sin, and has not been to confession, generally cannot receive Holy Communion.

What is a Mortal Sin?

A mortal sin is the gravest kind of sin because it threatens the soul with eternal damnation unless absolved before death through confession or penitence. It is defined as a grave action that is committed in full knowledge of its gravity and with the full consent of the will. Such sin cuts the sinner off from receiving God’s sanctifying grace until it is repented of, usually in the confessional with a Priest. Examples of a mortal sin are (but not limited to): murder, rape, incest, perjury adultery, lust, gluttony, avarice, sloth, anger, envy and pride.

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