
You Split The Sea By Your Power–Psalm 74:13-15

You Split The Sea By Your Power–Psalm 74:13-15

It was You Who split open the sea by Your power;
    You broke the heads of the monster in the waters.
14 It was You Who crushed the heads of Leviathan
    and gave it as food to the creatures of the desert.
15 It was You Who opened up springs and streams;
    You dried up the ever-flowing rivers.

Do you think your problem is just too complex to fix? The world is just too tense to find peace; your relationship too broken to be restored; the financial debt too deep to dig out of? This psalm is a great reminder that God can do anything! If He has total control over nature – splitting the sea apart (v. 13; see also–Ex 14:21-22), calming the wind and the waves (Mk 4:39), opening up springs and streams in the middle of a desert (v. 15); drying up flowing rivers (v 15) – then He can certainly help you with any obstacle you’re facing today. Scripture is filled to the brim with varying examples of how God has rescued His children from distressing situations. And He’s the same God performing the same miracles today.

The psalmist praises God for His strength and power throughout this stanza. He knows all too well that all power and saving grace comes from Him and Him alone. Today, don’t focus on how big your problem is. Focus on how big your God is! Pray to Him for what you need and then trust Him for your deliverance.

[Meditate on this psalm today. How does it speak to you about God’s power? Let us know in the comment section below.]

1 comment on “You Split The Sea By Your Power–Psalm 74:13-15

  1. Thanks, Meisha; a good reminder to trust.

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