
The Best Psalm for When You Are Feeling Miserable – Psalm 88:9-10

My eye grows dim from misery;
I have called upon You every day, Lord

The Best Psalm for When You Are Feeling Miserable – Psalm 88:9-10

My eye grows dim from misery;
I have called upon You every day, Lord;
I have spread out my hands to You.

Will You perform wonders for the dead?
Or will the departed spirits rise and praise You?

For Reflection

The psalmist of Psalm 88 was no doubt feeling discouraged, possibly even abandoned, by God when he cried out to Him “my eye grows dim from misery … I have called upon You every day, Lord.” Perhaps this is a feeling you can relate to; it is, after all, easy to feel deserted when God does not answer an important prayer or move fast enough to solve our most pressing problems.

As believers in Christ, we are to remember Romans 8:28“[W]e know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” In other words, even when God appears to be distant He is in complete control of every circumstance of our lives. Additionally, He has promised to use all things — even “evil” things — to turn into our biggest blessing. Think for a moment about all the beauty and wonder He has brought from something as tragic as the Cross! Something the devil intended for harm and destruction, God transformed into the greatest and most miraculous event of all human history. That is the kind of God we serve — a God of miracles.

No matter how bad things may appear on the outside, no matter how uncertain or challenging things are today, take comfort knowing that so long as you love God and seek His face, He will direct your every step. Trust that God does indeed have all things under control regardless of whether or not you can understand it. Remember His words, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways … [f]or as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Is 55:8-9).

As the saying goes, “Come hell or high water, trust in the Lord who loves you.” Trust in His perfect work even when that work comes in the form of a cross.

Prayer – Litany of Trust

From the belief that I have to earn Your love … Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear that I am unlovable … Deliver me, Jesus.
From the false security that I have what it takes … Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear that trusting You will leave me more destitute … Deliver me, Jesus.
From all suspicion of Your words and promises … Deliver me, Jesus.
From the rebellion against childlike dependency on You … Deliver me, Jesus.
From refusals and reluctances in accepting Your will … Deliver me, Jesus.
From anxiety about the future … Deliver me, Jesus.
From resentment or excessive preoccupation with the past … Deliver me, Jesus.
From restless self-seeking in the present moment … Deliver me, Jesus.
From disbelief in Your love and presence … Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of being asked to give more than I have … Deliver me, Jesus.
From the belief that my life has no meaning or worth … Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of what love demands … Deliver me, Jesus.
From discouragement … Deliver me, Jesus.
That You are continually holding me, sustaining me, loving me … Jesus, I trust in you.
That Your love goes deeper than my sins and failings, and transforms me …Jesus, I trust in you.
That not knowing what tomorrow brings is an invitation to lean on You … Jesus, I trust in you.
That You are with me in my suffering … Jesus, I trust in you.
That my suffering, united to Your own, will bear fruit in this life and the next …Jesus, I trust in you.
That You will not leave me orphan, that You are present in Your Church…Jesus, I trust in you.
That Your plan is better than anything else … Jesus, I trust in you.
That You always hear me, and in Your goodness always respond to me …Jesus, I trust in you.
That You give me the grace to accept forgiveness and to forgive others …Jesus, I trust in you.
That You give me all the strength I need for what is asked …Jesus, I trust in you.
That my life is a gift … Jesus, I trust in you.
That You will teach me to trust You … Jesus, I trust in you.
That You are my Lord and my God … Jesus, I trust in you.
That I am Your beloved one … Jesus, I trust in you.

See Also:
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1 comment on “The Best Psalm for When You Are Feeling Miserable – Psalm 88:9-10

  1. Anonymous

    Jesus, I trust in you. Amen

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