Verse of the Day

Verse of the Day: If the Lord is Your Refuge, No Harm Will Overtake You–Psalm 91:9-10

Verse of the Day: If the Lord is Your Refuge, No Harm Will Overtake You–Psalm 91:9-10

“If you say, ‘The Lord is my refuge,’ and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent” –Psalm 91:9-10.

We are living in unprecedented times. Uncertainty abounds. However (and regardless), God is good and He is faithful. Yes, all the time our God is good and trustworthy. His ways perfect whether we understand them or not. Psalm 91 is one of the most important and powerful chapters in the entire Holy Bible. In this particular verse, we are reminded of the sheer power of proclamation. When we proclaim that the Lord God is our Refuge, putting all our trust in Him, and when we make Him our safe dwelling place, He promises that no harm will overtake us (v 9); no disaster will come near our homes (v 10). And His promises are infallible! But here is the catch: We must believe them.

As you read and meditate on this psalm today, lean into God. Ask Him to strengthen your faith so that every promise of His quickly becomes your truest reality.

[As you read over this verse, let us know how it speaks to you personally in the comment section below.]

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