Miracle Prayer to St. Benedict

Miracle Prayer to St. Benedict

Admirable Saint and Doctor of humility,
you practiced what you taught,
assiduously praying for God’s glory
and lovingly fulfilling all work for God
and the benefit of all human beings.
You know the many physical dangers
that surround us today,
often caused or occasioned by
human inventions.
Guard us against poisoning of the body
as well as of mind and soul,
and thus be truly a “Blessed one for us.”

About St. Benedict

St. Benedict was born of a noble Italian family about the year 480. As a young boy he was sent to Rome and placed in the public schools. He was turned off by the lack of discipline and laziness of the Roman youth, so he fled to the desert mountains of Subiaco and lived as a hermit for three years in a deep cave. Legend has it that he was brought food by a raven flying to his cave.

He lived there completely unknown except by the monk Romanus who clothed him in a monastic habit. Benedict’s example of prayer and sanctity soon attracted others to join him. The strictness of his rule also caused others to despise him, one even poisoning his drink. But when Benedict made the sign of the Cross on the bowl, it broke and fell into pieces on the ground.

After he built twelve monasteries in the mountains, he moved to Monte Cassino, where he founded an abbey and wrote his rule. He lived there until his death.

St. Benedict had the ability to read consciences, prophesy and stop attacks of the devil. He destroyed pagan temples and statues and drove demons out from pagan sacred sites. At one point there were over 40,000 monasteries guided by the Benedictine rule which was (basically): “Pray and work.”

Feast Day: July 11th
Name Meaning: “The blessed one”
Patron Saint of: Against witchcraft, temptations, poisoning, dying people, monks, kidney disease, fever, civil engineers, school children

For Additional Catholic Prayers and Novenas, CLICK HERE

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11 comments on “Miracle Prayer to St. Benedict

  1. Anonymous

    I pray to you St Benedict for an career for my son who graduated, one that will make him happy, fulfilled and give him purpose. And a summer job for my other son.

  2. St Benedict please heal me. Let the doctor’s be wrong in what they think. Let the Mass on my lungs be benign.

  3. Saint Benedicts thank you for listening to my request of healing for my husband myself and all of my family I trust in you Saint bededict thank you Amen

  4. Please ST BENEDICT help to asked GOD for forgiveness, please asked GOD to heal me from deadly disease,I promised to change from my old life to start leaving a good life and also to bring more souls to GOD

  5. St Benedict Thank you for all your Blessings and healing me thru these times of witchery doings by evil persons.Iam blessed for my friend for showing me the way to be closer to GOD.AMEN.

  6. St Benedict for my Motjer , and myself please help me get a new Janitorial Operations Supervisor Postion, I been out of work for 5 months, Financial and well being & health Only Good people in my life May enter, and a a Beautiful good woman , girlfriend ,keep evil away Amen

  7. Emma andAlice

    St Benedict for my Granddaughter Emma. She is in Army and she wants to graduate. They are mistreating her verbally with foul words. Please help her. I she is Special. Her life has not been an easy one.I will claim you as my saint and profess to as many as possible to do the same!!! Please ask God to help her. Amen

  8. Anonymous

    St Benedict please heal my physical body. I place my trust in you. Amen

  9. Anonymous

    St. Benedict, may I obtain The medal 🏅 of you. There seems to be a glitch on your site. Help me get blinds in here. Father in the name of Jesus, make this happen. Amen

  10. Anonymous

    St Benedict, please heal my body from all my physical ailments. I praise you for you healing powers in me. I trust in your healing powers. Amen

  11. Michael Presto

    St. Benedict, please hear and grant my petitions. Thank You so very much. Amen.

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